
MSA/B/C Trouble Report • Penn State University • Marketing 426

Please print this out after completing for your own records (this will be helpful for end-of-semester evaluation) . . .

Use this screen to report problems using the MSA/B/C system. Enter the information below, and click the "Send" button at the bottom to send your message to us . . .

Your E-Mail:
Phone # :

Your PC/Operating System (please detail whether using Windows or Mac, your browser type, and OS version:

How severe is the problem? (make a selection below by entering a number below):

1 - Serious problem (can't use system at all)
2 - Major problem (a module or subsystem isn't working right)
3 - Minor problem or irritant (I can work around it but it's irritating)
4 - Enhancement or suggestion (this would improve the system)

Enter your assessment from the choices above (enter a number shown above):

Please report the problem: What part of the system you were using (signup/login process, MSA, MSB, or online book reader), and when the problem occurred when you were using the system. Please try to give us as much information as possible: